Thursday, 19 August 2010

SegaShiro Podcast Episode 3: featuring the Gagaman!

So this Sunday I decided to jump in on the third episode of SegaShiro's new but already essential podcast and today the podcast is finally online to go check out. We chatted about what we have been playing (in my case that new Scott Pilgrim game), Sonic Adventure (though that ended up becoming a general Sonic 3D games discussion) and movie/license games.

I think I was actually a little nervous at some points lol, not sure if that shows in the final edited podcast as I am just about to listen to it, but I had fun chatting with DarrenIndeed (who I met at Summer of Sonic), DJ Bob Fresh (whos video reviews I've been a fan of for some time) and Arby Wan Kenobi. I would defiantly up for joining in on this another time.


Barry the Nomad said...

Awesome! Always cool to see SEGA fan site crossovers.

DJ Fob Fresh said...

It is DJ Fob Fresh...FOB! But everyone makes that mistake.