Monday 24 August 2009

The First4Figures Statue is out!

Well it only took over a year but the 12" Sonic statue starting shipping out last week from all online shops that sell it (Forbidden Planet,, Play-Asia I presume, and a few others). Only 1500 have been made, so wherever or not pre orders gobbled all of those up or not is unknown but I've got mine and it's numbered 693, either that means they've been sent out at random or they're almost (or already) gone! Who knows!

Not really gonna take many photos of it seeing as First4Figures provided plenty themselves on their website, including a 360 degree spinny picture thingy, unlike the vinyl toys which we only saw one or two photos of until they came out. Mind you while those figures were around £10 each, this resin statue comes in at at least £65. Ouch, my poor wallet!

It comes with this card that let's you reserve 'the next statue in the series' with a code. Gulp! Another one?

Still it's quite nice, though I wouldn't say £65 nice for most people to splash out on. I'm not sure why they changed the eyes from the early version, but oh well. I do like the Green hill stand though, gives it a unique touch and it's hand numbered at the bottom of the stand too.

I have so many Sonic statue/figure type things now I've had to give them their own little shelf area now. Some will say I've tainted this image by throwing the Werehog figure in there, but he might get thrown aside from this lot when the new Metal Sonic figure come sout in a month or so (I'll post a promo photo of that later if you haven't seen it yet). I also have that Comic Con metal Sonic on it's way from America thanks to Barry getting me one. :)



Barry the Nomad said...

What a statue! Lovely pics, G-man. I am pro-Werehog on the shelf, it adds a nice "history of Sonic" to the collection... though I would replace him with Metal were I to have no more space. :)

Protocol Snow said...

I've got a dumb question: where you able to take out the statue without destroying the styrofoam box? I would like to keep the styrofoam intact, but he's really wedged in there and I feel like I'll have to tear apart the styrofoam to get him out.

Smindas said...

...Metal Sonic? What.

Barry the Nomad said...

Check near the bottom:

Animated AF said...

Protocol Snow: Not sure if mine was the same, but I managed to get my statue out without ruining the foam just fine.

TwoHeadedBoy said...

He looks so much nicer than that Sonic Adventure version on the other side of the shelf. Moto-Bug's funny too, I'd love to get a set of those Badniks - yet currently only have the Roller.

Cerium said...

I notice you dont have the 15th Anniversary small Sonic statue?

Animated AF said...

I do have a 15th anniversary statue (right next to the new one), was there another smaller one then?

Cerium said...

Yeah you know the smaller statue that was given away with pre-order copies of Sonic '06 in America?

Animated AF said...

Oh that. Nope, don't have it but ain't too fussed about it. Plus pre-ordering that game would have been a baaaad idea. :)

John said...

Heh. that statue looks neat but not going to get it yet.. I am more interested in the older figures check out my small collection video of what I got so far...(note if you have the figure at the end the one im looking for I will give 100+ dollars if in mint condition or I can trade you for it...Also I am buying muliple tomy flexi frined sonic bendies and tomy collectibles sonic wagging his finger I pay good prices dont hesistate to ask me a price thanks =)

Link to my video of stuff..