Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Explore the World of Jet Set Radio Future!

Here at SEGA Memories we're all about anything outside the games (as detailed way back in the very first post), but sometimes there is something game related that is just too cool not to share. In my regular internet browsing, I came across a blog entitled JSRF Inside. The blog is dedicated to ripping models, textures and environments from the XBOX classic Jet Set Radio Future. What is so insanely cool about the blog is that the owner and model ripper provides a number of amazing images and files detailing every character, NPC, animal and piece of graffiti that litters the world of Tokyo-to.

One might consider it a "digital collection", as one can download every character icon (perfect for avatars), high res logos and listen to a number of sounds. Really awesome stuff! If you're a JSRF fan, make sure to add this to your favorites and download as many bits as you want.

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