As for us here at Sega Memories, I've cooked up these wallpapers for you all to enjoy! There are three unique illustrations in total, each in three different resolutions including 1080 HD TV size, so hopefully I have most bases covered in that department.
1280 X 1024
1920 X 1080
2560 X 1600
1920 X 1080
2560 X 1600
1280 X 1024
1920 X 1080
2560 X 1600
1920 X 1080
2560 X 1600
1280 X 1024
1920 X 1080
2560 X 1600
1920 X 1080
2560 X 1600
This Saturday is all about Summer of Sonic and throughout next week I will be bringing you all the coverage of it I can muster including plenty of photos and videos!
Love 'em! Great job, Gagaman! I'll be using the screeching to a halt one on my work computer for sure.